I have been working on the Ground Pound power, which is extremely difficult since there are not many references to go off of for Unity, so I had to think about things in a different way. After trying several different things, I decided that I should try Raycast, so it would send Rockman to the next collider it hits, but I still have to input the command, but after I can get that fixed, it should work. This is the script I deriving it from, and following a few script organization tuts so I can get it ordered in the EXACT way it has to be for it to work.
Script I derived my idea and script from:
function Update () {
var hit : RaycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, -Vector3.up, hit, 100.0)) {
var distanceToGround = hit.distance;
// location of hit -> hit.point
var pointOfRayHit = hit.point;
Debug.Log( "Ray : hit.distance = " + hit.distance + " : hit.point = " + hit.point );
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