Thursday, March 28, 2013

Latest work

The UV mapping for the trees is still in the works, but I will have to break from that to work on the Skills project for April 4.

In the meanwhile, here are some sample pictures of the current mappings.

This is not our official texture, but something for me to see the lines.

This one is incomplete.  Those weird lines are just from where the limbs are on the map.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

this is the ground texture for the desert that i fixed and i uv mapped it and got rid of the repeat, i have also been fixing other textures and uv mapping them and getting rid of repeats.
-Heather Crow

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Thomas Update

Okay, I now have the blog information, and this is what I have been working on.

I have been working on the Ground Pound power, which is extremely difficult since there are not many references to go off of for Unity, so I had to think about things in a different way. After trying several different things, I decided that I should try Raycast, so it would send Rockman to the next collider it hits, but I still have to input the command, but after I can get that fixed, it should work. This is the script I deriving it from, and following a few script organization tuts so I can get it ordered in the EXACT way it has to be for it to work.

Script I derived my idea and script from:

  • function Update () {
  • var hit : RaycastHit;
  • if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, -Vector3.up, hit, 100.0)) {
  • var distanceToGround = hit.distance;
  • // location of hit -> hit.point
  • var pointOfRayHit = hit.point;
  • Debug.Log( "Ray : hit.distance = " + hit.distance + " : hit.point = " + hit.point );
  • }
  • }
  • Brandyn (Work)

    Ok so as far as I have done work I have a couple of textures as well as UV mapping. Here is what Ive done.

    Thats all I have done I might be missing some stuff but ill end up posting it. Enjoy!

    Monday, March 25, 2013

    I dropped the video into the drop box. It's a simple video displaying three of the animations I've done that are present into the game so far. They are his idle, run, and rolling. It's called "Rockmanimation.mp4".


    long time right well we have well defined levels now our coding is mixed with several physics engines and and animated set created by sam welch 

    as you can see the underground level is textured even though lighting is off we implemented our new textures and even a bump is in the works for it right now the purple bar at the top left is a health bar in the works

    this is a path i created on uneven surfaces in our final level the light pink is an unrendered path and the darker shades of red are the rendered area

    this is a visual of all the rendered as seen from above the pink blocks are not visible leaving a stable walking path along with a beautiful scene, textures are still in the works but we plan on having tree and a texture for the plain soon

    Texturing and Coding - Megan

    This is a seamless coble stone texture that I made from a photo I took. I'm not really sure what were going to use this for, maybe for Rockman's texture. 

    Here is a weird seamless rock texture thing that I made really quickly to have a texture in the caves. This picture used to be just a dumb photo of some dirt that I took and I felt like making it into rock. Needs some improvement on the quality.

    Also, I made the animation script for the rock dude using a tutorial on digital tutors. And it works so yay. :D
    var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);

    function Start(){


    function Update ()
    if(controller.isGrounded == false){
    else if(Input.GetKey("right") || Input.GetKey("d")){
    animation.CrossFade("Walk Right");
    print("walk right");
    else if(Input.GetKey("left") || Input.GetKey("a")){
    animation.CrossFade("Walk Left");
    print("walk left");
    else {

    Thursday, March 21, 2013

    Texture progress

    Currently working on arranging the tree limbs in our forest level so that the test texture flows properly over it.  Will update this post with pictures and more information as soon as a tree is finished.

    In the meantime, the bump map image has been saved to a .png, so we can use it for the cactus texture.

     The last one is a much larger version of the top map.

    -Valerie Flores-Meath

    Wednesday, March 20, 2013


    these are the top and side view textures i made for the bridge in the game, they still need to be uv mapped on to the bridge to see if they work.
    Heather Crow

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    Progress. Using a fairly simple script, we managed to shrink the character controller hitbox, which will allow us to shrink him down into a ball to get into hard to reach places. All it took was a simple if/else if statement using the up and down arrows for triggers. We just changed his center of the controller as well as the height. Using Unity's animation abilities, it should look fairly good. Script is as follows: var characterController = GetComponent(CharacterController) as CharacterController; function Update () { if(Input.GetKey("down")){ characterController.height = 2.0; = Vector3(0,0.25,0); } else if(Input.GetKey("up")){ characterController.height = 4.0; = Vector3(0,1,0); } }

    Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    Latest work

    I still need to add more stuff to this level but right now this is going to be the length of the desert level

    Upgraded Cactus and Windmill textures

    The cactus textures have been upgraded with better bump map extrusions (courtesy of pictures of actual cacti) and a pattern resembling actual plant cellulation, and the windmills have rust and metal corrosion.  Here's some pictures showing that.

    Yeah, the cactus side is still being difficult.  I think the geometry is to blame here.
    I know that the ground doesn't have a texture on it; that's being worked on a different file and being put into to this one.
    this is the forest floor texture i made for the forest level, i have also been fixing the uv's of other things like the cave. now i am making rocks for the desert level.
    - Heather Crow